Site icon Turkey Economy Perspectives

Dark Times in Turkey

Dark Times in Turkey 2019

Dark times in Turkey

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Dark times in Turkey seem to be getting worse and worse. Economic contraction and worsening financial conditions have put undue strain on its people. The government’s approach to deal with these problems is far from sufficient. Actually, the Turkish government is compounding the economic and social issues with inept and unorthodox policies.

What is the Turkish government doing?

Furthermore, the government is contemplating additional real estate and income taxes . As a result, more people will have less disposable income.

In general, these policies are barely working. It seems that many of the above policies are tailored towards a select group rather than the whole country. Consequently, dark times in Turkey will continue.

What are the economic and social effects?

To sump up, the Turkish economy is not doing so well nowadays. Compounding the problem is inept policies and stall tactics. Therefore, people are unhappy and depressed about the economy. As unemployment keeps rising, more social problems will emerge. This in turn will lead to more problems. Clearly, things will not get better anytime soon.

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